Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Virtual Capture Workflow Models

Virtual Capture Workflow Models allows the administrator to configure the order in which screens appear in Virtual Capture applications. Virtual Capture Workflow Models serve as the basis for the information displayed in a Virtual Capture application.

A single workflow model can be used by multiple application types; however, each application type may only have one workflow model assigned.

The Virtual Capture Workflow Models page can be accessed from System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Capture Workflow Models, and provides a complete list of all workflow models used within Virtual Capture. From this page, administrators are provided with the functionality to configure workflow models that efficiently organize and customize an institution's application process.

The Virtual Capture Workflow Models page displays information about each workflow model within the following columns:

Column Name Description
Name Displays the name of the workflow model.
Description If provided, displays a description of the workflow model.
Active Displays a  if the workflow model is active.
Last Modified Denotes when the last modification was made.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification.
Date Created Denotes when the workflow model was created.
Created By Denotes who created the workflow model.

The Virtual Capture Workflow Models topic includes the following attributes and instructions to assist administrators with creating, copying, and editing Virtual Capture Workflow Models:

Virtual Capture Workflow Model Attributes

All Virtual Capture Workflow Models share common attributes that are defined when creating, copying, or editing a model.


General attributes include basic information pertaining to the Virtual Capture Workflow Model.

The following General attributes are defined on the General tab:

Field Description

Enter a unique name for the Virtual Capture Workflow Model.

This is a required field.
Description Enter a description that identifies the purpose of the Virtual Capture Workflow Model.

Select the Active check box to make the Virtual Capture Workflow Model available to be assigned to application types available in Virtual Capture.

A workflow model cannot be deactivated if the model is assigned to a loan product, or is selected as the default workflow model for an Account Application Type in any instance; therefore, the Active check box is disabled within the Workflow Model Configuration window, and a message is displayed to inform that the workflow model cannot be deactivated since it is currently assigned to an active Virtual Capture product.

While the default workflow model for account application types cannot be disabled, the system does allow a workflow model to be disabled when it is individually assigned to one or more account application types within the grid that appears in the Account Application Types tab in Virtual Capture Settings. For more information, please see the Account Application Types section of the Virtual Capture Settings topic in this guide.


Workflow attributes include the order in which the application is to be completed, and is built according to the various stages of the application life cycle. Workflow attributes are assigned within the Workflow tab. This tab displays a list of the screens assigned to the Origination, Underwriting, Approval, Decline, and/or Post-Disbursement categories of an application, and provides administrators with the ability to add and remove the screens that are presented within the following workflow stages:

Category Description

Screens assigned to Origination appear to applicants during the data-collection stage of the application process.

Screens assigned to this category may include screens such as the Applicant, and Collateral screens.


Screens assigned to Underwriting appear to applicants while the application is being decisioned by the system or an institution representative.

Screens assigned to this category may include screens such as an Application screen with a Rich Text panel explaining the decision process.


Screens assigned to Approval appear to applicants after an application has been approved.

Screens assigned to this category may include screens such as an Application screens containing the Funding, and Documentation panels.


Screens assigned to Decline appear to applicants after an application has been declined.

Screens assigned to this category may include screens such as an Application Summary screen, and an Application screen containing the Documentation panel.


Screens assigned to Post-Disbursement appear to applicants after an application has been disbursed to the core.

Screens assigned to this category may include Application screens that contain the Cross-sells, and Documentation panels.

If screens have been assigned to the Post-Disbursement category, the Disbursement Success Messages defined in the Messaging tab of Virtual Capture Settings do not display to applicants after a Virtual Capture application is disbursed. To replace these messages, it is recommended that an Application screen containing a Rich Text panel is added to the Post-Disbursement category with the desired Disbursement Success messages.

Each category contains a grid that displays the name of the screens assigned to it, as well as the ability to assign each screen to a Subcategory.

By default, a link is displayed in Virtual Capture for each screen assigned to a workflow category. If desired, the Subcategory column can be used to organize the screens assigned to each stage of the workflow in groups, and maximize the space in a virtual application by only displaying a link for each subcategory, rather than each screen, in Virtual Capture.

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Virtual Capture Workflow Actions

Virtual Capture Workflow Model actions includes the following topics:

Creating Virtual Capture Workflow Models

The Create function enables administrators to define the logic and structure of a Virtual Capture Workflow Model. This function provides the ability to configure and customize the application process to meet an institution’s business needs.

To create a workflow model, navigate to System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Capture Workflow Models, and click .

Within the Virtual Capture Workflow Model configuration window, define the General workflow model attributes.

Once all General attributes are defined, navigate to the Workflow tab to configure Workflow attributes and perform the following actions:

ShowAdd Screens

To begin configuring the application’s Workflow:

ShowDefine Subcategories

The Subcategory column provides the ability to group the screens assigned to each stage of the workflow.

By default, a link is displayed in Virtual Capture for each screen assigned to a workflow category. If desired, the Subcategory column can be used to organize the screens assigned to each stage of the workflow into groups, and maximize the space in a virtual application.

In the below example, the following screens and subcategories have been assigned under the Origination stage of the workflow:

When subcategories are defined, as shown above, a link is displayed for each subcategory, rather than each screen, in Virtual Capture: 

In the Virtual Capture application, subcategories are displayed in the Screens Link section according to the order in which they are assigned to the screens in the Workflow tab. The first subcategory listed in the Screen Links section of the application is the subcategory that is assigned to the first screen under the workflow category. In the below example, the Applicant Information subcategory displays first, as it is the first subcategory assigned to the first screen in the Virtual Capture Workflow Model. 

For more information on how screens are presented in Virtual Capture, please see the Screen Links section of the Virtual Capture Overview topic in this guide.

When subcategories are not defined, a link to each individual screen assigned to the workflow category is displayed in Virtual Capture:

To define a subcategory for each screen:

ShowRemove Screens

To remove a screen from a Workflow category:

The order in which the screens appear under each category in the Workflow tab determines their order of appearance in the application workflow. To change the order in which the screens appear, drag and drop the screens into the proper sequence.

When a new application is created, the first screen of the Workflow displays as the default screen.

Screens display in the order that they are configured to appear in the workflow, regardless of the subcategory assigned to the screen. To ensure that screens are presented in the desired order in Virtual Capture, all screens assigned to a subcategory must be grouped together prior to saving the workflow.

Reference the following example for an overview of the behavior that occurs if screens are not grouped by subcategory:

ShowSubcategory Grouping Example

In Virtual Capture, applicants advance through the workflow screens in the order that they are configured to appear for the Workflow Model, which could result in a poor application experience if screens are not grouped by subcategory. In the following example, the below subcategories have been assigned to the Origination stage of the workflow:

Since the screens assigned to the Applicant Information subcategory are not grouped, when an application is created using the workflow model, the screens are presented to the applicant in the following order:

  • My Personal Information
  • Collateral
  • Amounts and Terms
  • Account Products
  • Account Product Fees
  • Additional Applicant

Since the Additional Applicant screen is the last screen in the workflow, the desired behavior is to end the Origination stage upon completion of the screen; however, in this example, once the applicant completes the Account Product Fees  screen, he or she is navigated back to the Applicant Information subcategory to complete the Additional Applicant screen, rather than complete the workflow.

Once all tabs are complete, review each tab for accuracy. After all updates have been made to the workflow model, click .

In order for the Account Product screen to display in Virtual Capture, the screen must be assigned to a Virtual Capture Workflow Model. If the Account Product screen is not assigned to a workflow model, and account products have been configured within the Product Selection tab in Virtual Capture Settings, a warning message is received upon clicking  in the configuration window to alert that the Account Product screen has not been added, and confirm that the workflow model should be saved without the screen.

If the Account Product screen is not assigned to a workflow model, account products can still be added to a virtual application using the cross-sell functionality; however, applicants are unable to independently add, delete, or enter information for an account product in Virtual Capture.

The newly created Virtual Capture Workflow Model is available to be assigned to a loan application type within the General tab of the Virtual Capture Products page, and/or an account application type within the Account Application Types tab in Virtual Capture Settings.

For information on assigning Virtual Capture Workflow Models, please see the Virtual Capture Settings topic in this guide.

Copying Workflow Models

The Copy function enables administrators to duplicate the logic and structure of an existing Virtual Capture Workflow Model. The existing workflow model can be used as the base for creating a new workflow model. Copying a workflow model provides administrators with the ability to add, modify, or delete screens, as well as workflow and validation logic. Administrators are then able to save it with a different name in order to create a new workflow model.

Editing Workflow Models

The Edit function enables administrators to revisit an existing Virtual Capture Workflow Model and modify the existing logic to enhance usability.

Any changes made within the Virtual Capture Workflow Models page are not applied in Virtual Capture until the web application is refreshed. By default, Virtual Capture is automatically refreshed every 30 minutes to apply the updated configurations to the Virtual Capture application.

Institutions can customize the number of minutes that pass before an automatic refresh of the virtual application occurs. For more information, please see the Customizing Global Settings for Virtual Capture topic in this guide.

If desired, an IT resource for the financial institution can perform an IIS reset on the DMZ server where Virtual Capture is installed to immediately apply the changes from Virtual Capture Settings; however, it is recommended that the IIS reset is performed off hours, as this impacts any users logged in to Temenos Infinity, and may cause temporary slowness for any applicants logged in to the Virtual Capture web application.


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